Garth House

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        Vacation Bible School - Mission Project
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Child Abuse Never Takes a Vacation

 Please remember Garth House when you’re planning your Vacation Bible School. We are in need of your support and ask that you consider doing a mission project for the abused children of Southeast Texas during your VBS. As there are more stresses in our society and economy, the history of child abse cases show a rise in numbers.

The Garth House opened in June 1991 and has done over 11,400 forensic interviews of children between the ages of 2-12 years old that have been severely physically abused or sexually abused.  Long term counseling for children 2-17 years of age and their non-offending family members is provided at no cost to the family.

Our services cover a six county area and includes Hardin, Jasper, Jefferson, Newton, Orange and Tyler Counties. The child victims are sure to recieve weekly counseling in our Beaumont, Orange, Kirbyville, Kountze, Newton, or Woodville offices.
Please view our wish list of items that are used at the Garth House on a regular basis.  Again, we ask that you please consider supporting the Garth House and do a mission project to help the abused children in Southeast Texas.  As a non-profit, your support would be greatly appreciated.
Also, we would like to share with you all Stewards of Children, a new program offered to help adults recognize, report and stop child abuse. If you or someone in your congregation would like more information please give us a call at 409-838-9084.
If you would like to bring any of your children for a tour of the Garth House, please contact our office at 409-838-9084.

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Children's Advocacy Centers

Garth House
Mickey Mehaffy Children's Advocacy Program, Inc.
(409) 838-9084

The Garth House © 2025
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Report Child Abuse 1-800-252-5400